Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our PROMO is UP!

Well, we have finally done it, the PROMO is UP! Thanks to the amazing COLLISION team, and their very hard work, we pulled it together and launched it on our Kickstarter page. Even though it took a lot of work to get here, the real work is just now starting because we need your support to get where we really need to go, and that is ONWARD. Without funding, this film cannot happen, so we are reaching out to people like you, people who want to see a change in this world, to help us achieve that goal. We have some amazing prizes to go along with your donation, and any support that you can give will be a true blessing. Thank you, for being a history maker and rule breaker!

You can check out the promo on the link below!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Welcome to the COLLISION blog!

So many cool and wonderful things are happening with our film.  We are in the final stages of editing and will launch the promo on our kickstarter page on the 1st of June!  We need the support of the fans to get to the next step of our journey with the film, so please keep spreading the word, and together we will make movie history!